Aristotle Account Information

Aristotle account information is provided in JSON format, which consists of

  1. User identity info from Globus,
    1. via or
    2. get_identities() call in globus_sdk.AuthClient class using Globus SDK.
  2. Array of Aristotle projects to which the user belongs:
            "id": "",
            "username": "",
            "status": "",
            "name": "",
            "email": "",
            "identity_provider": ",
            "organization": "",
            "projects": ["", "",....]

    For example:

            "id": "99aa6ac7-8345-4743-a535-a179778cc13c",
            "username": "",
            "status": "used",
            "name": "John E. Doe",
            "email": "",
            "identity_provider": "41143743-f3c8-4d60-bbdb-eeecaba85bd9",
            "organization": "Cornell University"
            "projects": ["aristotle0001", "aristotle0002"]

Transport Mechanism

Account information is access via a JSON file locked down to access by member site administrators.